Fibroids Miracle Book Review

The Fibroids Miracle book by Amanda Leto has become very popular over the last few months for women who are trying to shrink and eliminate their fibroids naturally.   

I decided to complete this Fibroids Miracle book review to give potential users a little more information about the system itself.

First of all, it is important to understand that this is not a herb, dietary supplement or something which comes in a package, promising to be a "cure all" for fibroids.

 If only it were that simple! The truth is that the very nature of fibroids means that there is no single treatment available which will help in the long term, despite you might read.

The Fibroids Miracle book is a well-laid out, 256 page downloadable eBook which contains details of the steps needed to eliminate fibroids. 

The belief is that fibroids form due to the interaction of various primary and secondary factors and these can vary from one woman to another. 

The common threads of lifestyle and dietary issues, together with hereditary factors, candida problems, stress and the environment are always present in one combination or another. 

This means that the solution must be multidimensional. One extremely important fact about Fibroids Miracle is that you receive 3 months one to one email counseling which many satisfied ex-fibroid sufferers often say was invaluable.

When you think about it logically, the conventional surgical treatments may well eliminate the symptoms of this condition (ie the fibroids themselves) but what they cannot do is eliminate the root cause. 

What this means in reality is that the underlying causes are still there after surgery so new fibroids will grow.

The solution put forward in the Fibroids Miracle book is a complete set of protocols which must be completed in a precise, step by step manner to eliminate all the possible causal factors. 

The approach is a holistic one, which cleanses the body inside and out, rebalancing it and neutralizing the environment in which fibroids can grow and exist.

For the purpose of this Fibroids Miracle book review, let's examine the layout.

There are 5 chapters:-

Chapter 1 - Introduction

This covers 11 pages and gives some general information and a brief overview of the system itself. It also goes though how you can get the most from the book.

Chapter 2 - All About Uterine Fibroids

This 38 page chapter contains comprehensive, valuable information including how fibroids form, the relationship between hormone, the uterus and menstrual cycle, who might get them, and the types and symptom. 

The chapter covers the various treatments available, exploring the difference between conventional and natural treatments and goes into great details about the various therapies, surgeries, natural and drug treatments which are available.

Chapter 3 - Managing the Symptoms Of Uterine Fibroids

This 9 page chapter gives you clear steps about what you can do to manage the day to day symptoms of your fibroids during the elimination process.

Chapter 4 - The Fibroids Miracle Book Quick Results Mini Program

As following the full system can be a little overwhelming for some, or where time/lifestyle constraints are an issue, Amanda Leto gives the option of following a shorter, less intense program.

 It will not yield the same results as the full program, but is an option for women who, for whatever reason cannot do the full program. It can still give significant results though.

Chapter 5 - The Holistic Fibroids Miracle System

As you might expect, this section is the largest and most important in the Fibroids Miracle book.

 It contains 157 pages and is split into 37 subsections. 

It takes you step by step through the required protocols including dietary changes, enhancing immunity, supplementation, lifestyle issues, thymus gland function, internal cleansing, detoxification, the candida link, stress management, replenishing friendly bacteria, exercise and sleep optimization. 

Most importantly, you are taught how to maintain the fibroid-free environment and prevent fibroids growing in the future.

The Fibroids Miracle book contains 4 appendicies detailing complementary treatments, details of the fibroids detoxification diet, the Ayurveda diet and how to perform the liver and gallbladder flush. 

You also receive a number of complementary ebooks on the following topics:- menu planning, sleeping soundly, understanding the phases of the female body and ultimate relaxation.

Last but not least is the 3 months one to one counseling. You can email Amanda and the Fibroids Miracle team as often as you like (and many email on a daily basis) to discuss the specifics of your own situation and finer details of the plan.

When completing this Fibroids Miracle book review, I have tried to give you some information as to what exactly is in the book, rather than just expressing my opinions. 

However, what I cannot convey is the high quality of the information included in the system.

Written by a former fibroid sufferer, the system you are about to see is, quite simply, groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will feel relief that you have finally found something that will genuinely help you get rid of your fibroids.

If you would like to learn more about my personal opinion please visit my Fibroids Miracle Book Review.
For further information, please see the Fibroids Miracle book.

One of the best features of this comprehensive system is the 3 months free one-to-one email support offered by the author.

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