30 June 2018

What You Need to Know About Uterine Fibroids Before Going for Fibroid Treatment

Uterine Fibroids can make any woman anxious because the presence of tumor in human body may be harmful; however, fibroids in Uterus may not be as harmful as it may sound.

It is highly suggested to know them beforehand so that you can get proper fibroid treatment and know your medical conditions before undergoing any surgery or fibroid treatment.

Many females may confuse Uterine Fibroid with cancerous tumor which is not true. This is completely non-cancerous and curable.

 The signs of this tumor may vary from one woman to another and these symptoms can be relived with the right remedial procedure.

Fibroid Treatment Options
Most of the times, women feel pain in their lower abdomen and back if they have uterine fibroid and may even get pain while having sex.

Removal of tumors from the womb may relive them from pain and discomfort. In some of the cases, uterus is removed from the body of woman to stop the further growth of tumor.

However, a gynecologist may suggest uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) before removing the uterus from the body.

If a woman does not gain relief from this invasive fibroid treatment, then health care provider would opt for surgery and remove the uterus.

It is important to know about what UFE is all about and how it affects the growth of fibroids in uterus.

Product Recommendation

Do you desire to treat Fibroid holistically 

without surgery and drugs? Find out the 3-step 

powerful system thousands of women worldwide 

had been using to naturally treat their fibroid 

pain and other related symptoms within 12 hours

 and fix the root cause of their uterine fibroid

 permanently within 2 months

Uterine Fibroid Embolization
Rather than removing uterine fibroids directly, UFE works by removing the blood flow to the tumor causing this mass to shrink and cease the symptoms in woman.

Normally, the procedure requires stay in hospital for one day. During Uterine Fibroid Embolization, the gynecologist, typically a radiologist uses a small x-ray camera or fluoroscope to guide the placement of inert particles into the arteries in uterus.

This is performed by threading a catheter through the femoral artery into the uterine artery.

This sends the particles to the location to close off the uterine artery and stop the blood flow to the fibroids.

One of both sides of uterus would be treated based on the location of fibroids.

The tiny bits of gelatin or plastic material are used to hinder the flow of blood to the fibroid.

These materials are also safe for the human body.

The patient is sedated during the entire process.

She does not feel the pain of incision and catheter insertion.

The uterine fibroid will shrink and eventually with the right fibroid treatment and die when the blockage of uterine artery is completed.

 It is common that the fibroid tissues are to be passed out of the uterus after the procedure.

A woman will feel the relief from heavy bleeding as there will not be pressure from blood rich masses within the uterus on the bladder and bowel.

She would start feeling better within a few weeks only.

The size of fibroids in uterus is reduced within not more than six months after this medical procedure.

The blood flow to uterus is not interrupted; hence, it will be functioning normally within the body.

It is extremely recommended that woman must consult a qualified gynecologist and must get this procedure done from a reputed health care provider to prevent further complications.

The recover after this procedure is very fast and the patient is asked to lie for four to six hours after the procedure is complete. Some women feel cramping in the lower abdomen which is common and severe within 24 hours of the UEF.

Once the patient is discharged, she will be asked to take regular pain-control medicines and take proper rest.

She would be able to resume normal activities with 7-10 days after the procedure.

UFE is also able to eliminate infertility and followed by normal pregnancies.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

Product Recommendation

Do you desire to treat Fibroid holistically 

without surgery and drugs? Find out the 3-step 

powerful system thousands of women worldwide 

had been using to naturally treat their fibroid 

pain and other related symptoms within 12 hours

 and fix the root cause of their uterine fibroid

 permanently within 2 months

29 June 2018

Use Effective Natural Treatment For Fibroid Tumor

Fibroid tumor or myoma is a common medical problem associated with women of age range of 35-40 years.
Know about natural treatment to get rid of fibroid tumor.
Fibroid tumor, also known as uterine fibroid or myoma is a common medical problem associated with women of age range of 35-40 years.

They are defined as the benign tumor containing fibrous tissue and can be found in the uterus.

Fibroid tumors usually grow up to the size of walnuts and are very uncomfortable for women as they cause extra pressure on the womb.

Such tumors can often be noticed in a clump! 

Fibroid tumors are generally classified into four groups based on their exact location in the uterus.

Intramural fibroids are the most common and grow within the uterus wall.

 Fibroids located beneath the mucosal layer of the uterus are referred as Subserosal fibroids.

Another one called Submucosal fibroids usually can be found inside the muscle underneath the inner lining of the womb wall.

Cervical fibroids are again referred to those located in the cervix wall. This classification has been made mainly to identify the possible symptoms of fibroids like painful periods or bleeding, constipation, pain during intercourse and so on. 

Product Recommendation

Do you desire to treat Fibroid holistically 

without surgery and drugs? Find out the 3-step 

powerful system thousands of women worldwide 

had been using to naturally treat their fibroid 

pain and other related symptoms within 12 hours

 and fix the root cause of their uterine fibroid

 permanently within 2 months

Causes and symptoms:

Fibroid tumor or uterine fibroids are generally considered as asymptomatic, i.e. symptom-less.

Even the factors which cause fibroids; they are also unknown. Under such circumstances, the only matter of relief is their harmlessness!

Recent medical studies, though found excess of estrogen as one of the factors responsible for fibroids in women, especially during their menopausal years. 

Natural remedies:

Being harmless fibroids tend to disappear by itself after the menopausal state. However, they cause severe discomfort if grown larger and that is why women usually try to get rid of them with the help of surgery.

If you are a fibroid patient and thinking to free yourself by operation like others, I would suggest you to try first the following natural remedies of fibroids:

1. Nettle leaves:

 In order to treat the fibroids use of nettle leaves would be helpful.

For this soak up few nettle leaves in water while maintain a ratio of 1:10 for some time.

Then drink it 2-3 times a day. You can use nettle roots too as a natural remedy for fibroids.

Take one teaspoon of it and boil it in one cup of water for five minutes. Drink this solution 2-3 times a day for about one month.

2. Chamomile Flowers:

Soak one teaspoon of the chamomile flowers in one glass water. Use of this solution 2-3 time a day will be very helpful.

3. Chasteberry:

In order to treat uterine fibroids effectively, take five to ten chasteberry regularly along with other foods.

 It would help you by reducing the excess of estrogen that is believed to be the cause of fibroids.

4. Grape seeds:

 Make a paste by crushing few grape seeds and add it to 250 ml of water.

Thereafter, boil the mixture for half an hour; strain and drink it 2-3 times a day for six months. 

Likewise, motherwort, red clover, echancia, etc are also proven to be very useful natural remedies while treating the fibroid tumors at home. Moreover, you have to follow a healthy diet in order to treat it naturally.

Eat more of fresh fruits and vegetables to control the excess of estrogen as well to balance hormones.

 Do regular exercises to stay active.

You can also eat more fishes, especially salmon, tunaComputer Technology Articles, etc.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

Product Recommendation

Do you desire to treat Fibroid holistically 

without surgery and drugs? Find out the 3-step 

powerful system thousands of women worldwide 

had been using to naturally treat their fibroid 

pain and other related symptoms within 12 hours

 and fix the root cause of their uterine fibroid

 permanently within 2 months

28 June 2018

Natural Remedies for Treating Fibroid Tumors (Leiomyomas or Myomas)

Fibroid tumors can be treated well with the natural remedies which are safe.
Read this article to know natural remedies for treating fibroid tumors.
The fibroid tumors which are also known as leiomyomas or myomas, affects almost half of the population of women above the age of 40 years.

Another study conducted revealed that they are prominent in approximately 50% of black women and 25% of white women in their reproductive stage and till the menopause.

These are usually uncomfortable but generally don’t provoke the need of surgery. 

These can be treated well with the natural methods or remedies which are safer when compared to other methods and are without the risk of side effects.

Doctors dealing in natural medicine and the Naturopaths usually suggest the herbs which will aim at regulating the periods, balancing the hormones and reducing the inflammation to help reduce the fibroid tumors.

Some of these herbs which works best for the stated purpose are as mentioned below - 

1. Motherwort is the drug prescribed in order to relax the uterine muscles and for balancing the hormones along with preventing the cramps of the disease.

Product Recommendation
Do you desire to treat Fibroid holistically 
without surgery and drugs? Find out the 3-step 
powerful system thousands of women worldwide 
had been using to naturally treat their fibroid 
pain and other related symptoms within 12 hours
 and fix the root cause of their uterine fibroid
 permanently within 2 months

2. Goldenseal is effective in reducing the inflammation of uterine muscles and helps keeping the uterine tissues in health state.

3. Liquorice root is used in order to reduce the bloating sensation and help the liver detoxification process.

4. Chasteberry helps to reduce the excess estrogen and balances the hormones. It also reduces the PMS symptoms and inflammation.

5. Dong Quai is also helpful in protecting the liver and in reducing the inflammation.

6. Siberian ginseng is helpful in preventing the heavy bleeding which usually takes place in the disease.

7. Red clover has the ability to help liver getting rid of excess estrogen.

8. Echancia herb is useful in controlling the benign tumors and reducing the inflammation.

9. Red raspberry is effective in controlling the excess bleeding and in re-establishing the lost minerals and vitamin levels.

10. Black cohosh is the herb useful in relieving the menstrual pain and is beneficial in problems linked with menopause. It also protects the liver and is an anti-inflammatory drug.

11. In addition to these other herbs including Dandelion, Milk Thistle, and Yellow Dock Root are beneficial in metabolizing the estrogen and reducing the risks associated with excess of hormone.

Product Recommendation
Do you desire to treat Fibroid holistically 
without surgery and drugs? Find out the 3-step 
powerful system thousands of women worldwide 
had been using to naturally treat their fibroid 
pain and other related symptoms within 12 hours
 and fix the root cause of their uterine fibroid
 permanently within 2 months

One can use these herbs in alone or in combination to make tea of the same.

Prepare the tea by putting a small handful of herbs to the boiling water pot. Heat for sometimes and drink the same thrice a day.

This process is basically used to get an extract out of the drug or herb and the same is used to heal the disease by drinking.

One may even get these herbs in the tincture or powder form. This remedy is effective in reducing the fibroid tumors in a period of two months.

Apart from the above mentioned drugs for the natural treatment of fibroid tumors, exercise also plays an important role in the reduction of the same below an acceptable level.

Exercise helps to reduce the toxins and balance the hormone levels in the body. One should give enough care to the diet as this is important to maintain a good health.

 Diet should include all the components of a balanced meal.

The fibroid tumors can also be effectively reduced by placing the warm castor oil packs on the stomach.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

Product Recommendation
Do you desire to treat Fibroid holistically 
without surgery and drugs? Find out the 3-step 
powerful system thousands of women worldwide 
had been using to naturally treat their fibroid 
pain and other related symptoms within 12 hours
 and fix the root cause of their uterine fibroid
 permanently within 2 months

27 June 2018

Natural Treatment for Uterine Fibroid Tumors

Find natural treatments for uterine fibroid tumors to help you avoid getting painful surgeries. You can shrink fibroids naturally...

Uterine fibroid tumors are growths the form in the smooth muscle tissue of the uterus.

Usually benign these tumors are very common. 20 to 40 percent of all women have them at some time in there lives.

It is twice as common in African American women than in other populations. Chances are you or someone you know has fibroids. While many times women who have fibroids don't notice them.

They can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. 

There are a few different types of fibroids.

Some are more likely to cause problems than others. 

Subserosal grow on the outside of the uterus.
Intramural grow inside the wall of the uterus.
Submucosal grow inside the cavity of the uterus.

Subserosal and submucosal growths can be pedunculated, meaning they hang from the wall of the uterus connected by a stalk. 

When fibroids are small they usually cause no symptoms, but larger fibroids can cause an array of problems.

 If you have these symptoms you may have uterine fibroids:

heavy, painful periods
swelling and bloating in the abdomen
pain during urination or bowel movements
pain during sex

Many people end up getting surgery to remove uterine fibroid tumors.

Many hysterectomies are done every year because of fibroids, but there are non-surgical options for treating them.

 Mayan Abdominal massage is one method that can be used to help treat fibroids.
Product Recommendation
Do you desire to treat Fibroid holistically 
without surgery and drugs? Find out the 3-step 
powerful system thousands of women worldwide 
had been using to naturally treat their fibroid 
pain and other related symptoms within 12 hours
 and fix the root cause of their uterine fibroid
 permanently within 2 months

For this massage the therapist manipulates the uterus through the abdomen releasing toxins that have built up in the tissue and helping to return the uterus to it's natural position and shape.

 Mayan Abdominal therapists are also trained in herbal medicine and prescribe herbs to help balance your estrogen and return you to health.

Beside massage, you'll also have to make some other lifestyle changes to shrink your fibroids.

Including a healthy diet and exercise in your life is one of the most important changes you'll have to make.

Fibroids form because you have too much estrogen in your system.

Getting rid of all chemicals in your home that mimic estrogen and detoxing your body to flush excess estrogen out of your system will start you on the path to shrinking your fibroids. 

I used to have painful uterine fibroids that I was able to heal using natural methods. It wasn't easyFree Articles, but I did it so I know it's possible for you to do it too. 

Article Tags: Uterine Fibroid Tumors, Uterine Fibroid, Fibroid Tumors

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

Product Recommendation
Do you desire to treat Fibroid holistically 
without surgery and drugs? Find out the 3-step 
powerful system thousands of women worldwide 
had been using to naturally treat their fibroid 
pain and other related symptoms within 12 hours
 and fix the root cause of their uterine fibroid
 permanently within 2 months