27 June 2018

Natural Treatment for Uterine Fibroid Tumors

Find natural treatments for uterine fibroid tumors to help you avoid getting painful surgeries. You can shrink fibroids naturally...

Uterine fibroid tumors are growths the form in the smooth muscle tissue of the uterus.

Usually benign these tumors are very common. 20 to 40 percent of all women have them at some time in there lives.

It is twice as common in African American women than in other populations. Chances are you or someone you know has fibroids. While many times women who have fibroids don't notice them.

They can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. 

There are a few different types of fibroids.

Some are more likely to cause problems than others. 

Subserosal grow on the outside of the uterus.
Intramural grow inside the wall of the uterus.
Submucosal grow inside the cavity of the uterus.

Subserosal and submucosal growths can be pedunculated, meaning they hang from the wall of the uterus connected by a stalk. 

When fibroids are small they usually cause no symptoms, but larger fibroids can cause an array of problems.

 If you have these symptoms you may have uterine fibroids:

heavy, painful periods
swelling and bloating in the abdomen
pain during urination or bowel movements
pain during sex

Many people end up getting surgery to remove uterine fibroid tumors.

Many hysterectomies are done every year because of fibroids, but there are non-surgical options for treating them.

 Mayan Abdominal massage is one method that can be used to help treat fibroids.
Product Recommendation
Do you desire to treat Fibroid holistically 
without surgery and drugs? Find out the 3-step 
powerful system thousands of women worldwide 
had been using to naturally treat their fibroid 
pain and other related symptoms within 12 hours
 and fix the root cause of their uterine fibroid
 permanently within 2 months

For this massage the therapist manipulates the uterus through the abdomen releasing toxins that have built up in the tissue and helping to return the uterus to it's natural position and shape.

 Mayan Abdominal therapists are also trained in herbal medicine and prescribe herbs to help balance your estrogen and return you to health.

Beside massage, you'll also have to make some other lifestyle changes to shrink your fibroids.

Including a healthy diet and exercise in your life is one of the most important changes you'll have to make.

Fibroids form because you have too much estrogen in your system.

Getting rid of all chemicals in your home that mimic estrogen and detoxing your body to flush excess estrogen out of your system will start you on the path to shrinking your fibroids. 

I used to have painful uterine fibroids that I was able to heal using natural methods. It wasn't easyFree Articles, but I did it so I know it's possible for you to do it too. 

Article Tags: Uterine Fibroid Tumors, Uterine Fibroid, Fibroid Tumors

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

Product Recommendation
Do you desire to treat Fibroid holistically 
without surgery and drugs? Find out the 3-step 
powerful system thousands of women worldwide 
had been using to naturally treat their fibroid 
pain and other related symptoms within 12 hours
 and fix the root cause of their uterine fibroid
 permanently within 2 months